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                                                                 WHAT IS


SyndBuddy is the NITROUS To our Social Syndication System. This is pretty much the next layer to our social syndication platforms and really takes things to the next level.

We’ve created a platform where THOUSANDS of REAL users, located ALL over the world, are ready to share YOUR content on THEIR social platforms to get ANY URL you Want Ranked On Page 1 of Google or YouTube, FAST, and for the LONG-TERM!

And this is by NO MEANS, a NEW platform..

As you saw the REAL-TIME stats above, we’ve got well over 5,000 users that have performed over 2,000,000 shares of each other’s content!

But How Have We Made It Better?

One-Click Auto-Sharing

Yup, we have now thrown an ocean-sized amount of GAS on this ALREADY well-lit FIRE house!

This GAS that we’ve poured on this fire is the ability for ALL users to turn on AUTO-SHARING of each other’s content!

One thing we noticed was a certain % of people tended to drop off over time and stop sharing content because it was a MANUAL PROCESS! They had to actually login, and share other people’s content.

With this update, we have SOLVED that problem! Can you imagine how much more powerful this is now when THOUSANDS of members have AUTO-SHARING turned on?

Imagine being able to get REAL social shares and social signals to your YouTube Videos, niche sites, clients sites, ecommerce sites or ANY url you'd like.

SyndBuddy Users Will Be Able To Get

Real Re-Tweets

Real Facebook Likes

Real Youtube Views

Real Web 2.0 Posts

Real Facebook Shares

Real Social Bookmarks

Real Web 2.0 Posts

And More


You’ll be able to get ALL of this to YOUR content from THOUSANDS of REAL People!

It’s The Perfect Buddy System!

But It Gets Better…

One-Click Account Creation

We’re also going to be bundling this with our VERY popular, SyndCreator,  so they can have their social accounts automatically CREATED and plugged in to SyndBuddy!

This is gonna make things even EASIER, FASTER and BETTER!

Within minutes they’ll be able to start having their accounts created, and have ANY url start being syndicated ALL over the world by REAL members!

And We Still Have More…

One-Click Content Creation

Yup, we’re also going to be including our content-engine system into SyndBuddy so that submitting a campaign to be shared by memers is even EASIE!

ZERO content creation needed on their part!

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