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Covert Video Press: Product and Reviews

 Covert Press

Maximizing Your Click Thrus By Showing
The Most Popular Videos First!

Make your Blog Video friendly with just single Click

Allowing You To Cash In On The Video Trend Without Ever Having To Record A Single Video

Youtube is the THIRD most viewed website in the world. It has more over 2 Billion Views per day.

10% Traffic of Internet drives to Youtube

Approx 10k videos upload Every minute

Over 900 seconds every user spends on youtube

This is what we got from alexa.com and we believe that this data is true. Convert video press will not let waste your time to create a video. Even it doesn't worth if you spend lot of time to create a video and again you are not getting traffic on your page/video.

This product will not let you spend lot of time. Create a video with the helping of Convert video press and again let the rest leave on it. It drives traffic from Facebook, Youtube, Google etc.

As an internet marketer you look at the stats above and you start salivating over all the possibilities Youtube has to offer

And then after a while you are struck by the hard hitting hammer of reality.

It's not that easy! Tons of sites have tried to replicate and even challenge Youtube.

But Youtube is so big now... and with the full backing from Google I highly doubt anyone will surpass them - not for a very long time anyway.

So that leaves us with the old saying... "If you can't beat them join them".

And sure there is money to be made from using Youtube in your marketing...

Loads of Warriors use Youtube.

But there are some problems...

  • You have to create your own videos - which takes a lot of time and quite frankly can be a huge pain in the butt.
  • You are competing with the other 800,000 videos uploaded the same day as your video - and if you don't have your own traffic to bring to the mix you are going to be one of the many videos stuck on 10 views (9 of them your own).
  • Every video you upload is just building up Youtube/Google's content portfolio and real estate - and the end of the day they are the ones profiting from your hard work.
  • If you're lucky (and that is a big "if"), you might get invited to their partner program so you can earn a few pennies from Adsense.

Let's Take A look At
How The Covert Video Press Theme WorKs
And What It Can Do For You!

First of all I will highly recommend you to watch a demo video which is given just after this paragraph.

Covert Video Press is a super simple to use WordPress theme and it only takes one click install! That means it will work on any computer, all you need in order to use it, is a self hosted WordPress blog.

The look below is how a Covert Video Press looks "out of the box"... Yep, your first site will look this good without you having to fiddle with any settings to achieve it!

But of course we built in the option to customize anything you want... and we'll get to that in a bit.


That's right... Straight out of the box - the Covert Video Press theme comes with all the functionality of the big ecommerce sites.

  • Your visitors can browse your site and search for videos they like
  • They can join your newsletter and automatically be added to your autoresponder
  • They can follow your sire on social media and share your videos with their friends
  • Covert Video Press is self optimizing, automatically showing the most popular videos first - maximizing your profits!
  • And much more...

And this is NOT some fake tube theme that imitates a real video site...

We've stretched WordPress to the limit... and then some!

Coding you an video theme where...

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